Kisuwi List of Words


Non-Romanized Version

Original Words

Word Definition Etymology Notes
kisi hi
i to be, <object marker> english "is", toki pona "e" is the copula, but also placed before the object, except for sentences where the copula is used
ki to be, <object marker> english "is", toki pona "e" used when the previous word ends with "i" (not "ai") or "in" (not "ain")
kiwi to have
iwi to want
awa no, not, don't toki pona "ala" sentence-final negator, word for "no"
kawa not, don't, 0 toki pona "ala" used when the previous word ends with "a" or "an", the number 0
whiki box toki pona "poki"
piki house toki pona "poki"
whuwa cute animal japanese "fuwafuwa", toki pona "puwa"
wa I, me japanese "watashi"
kaka food japanese "taberu", hindi "khaa"
ipi he, she, they toki pona "ipi" gender-neutral 3rd-person pronoun, can be singular or plural
ri this toki pona "ni"
wi that hindi "voh"
in you can be singular or plural, if it is the subject of am imperative sentence, it can be dropped.
iwu we, us
aipa any fruit or vegetable english "apple"
wara water english "water"
uwu to use english "uwu" substitute for easily-inferrable verb
sakan electronic device hindi "sangaNak"
wiwi chair, table, furniture
sika sound, to make a sound english "speaker"
kuwuka to write, writing
whaki money toki pona "mani", english "money"
si what toki pona "seme" works like toki pona "seme"
suwi sweet toki pona "suwi"
siwi cute toki pona "suwi"
parai love, to love, large hindi "pyaare", hindi "baRe"
kipisi to divide, to cut toki pona "kipisi"
whiwi soft japanese "fuwafuwa", toki pona "puwa"
kiwa near english "near"
iwa far
kiran knowledge, to know hindi "gyaan"
pi together with hindi "bhee"
kin to be able toki pona "ken"
saiwain front
pisi back toki pona "monsi"
waiwai parent
an and, <25s place value seperator> english "and" place value markers are skipped if they would otherwise have 0 before them
ra or hindi "yaa"
pin and/or
pira black toki pona "pimeja"
wawu red hindi "laal"
ai green
puwu blue english "blue"
airai magenta
riwi yellow toki pona "jelo", english "yellow"
saikain cyan english "cyan"
wawi white toki pona "walo"
awi all toki pona "ali"
pasiwa easy toki pona "pasila"
ahipa hard
asi to like, good, something liked hindi "acchi"
iki to hate, bad, something hated toki pona "ike"
wukin to look, to see, to look at toki pona "lukin"
uhi small
a <imperitive>, <emphasis> toki pona "o", toki pona "a" imperitive if at the beginning of a sentence, emphasis if at the end of a sentence
ka <imperitive>, <emphasis> toki pona "o", toki pona "a" used when the previous word ends with "a" or "an"
awawa to talk, to say, language
kain word, name english "name", hindi "naam"
kan with toki pona "kan"
ku <changes giving to recieving> placed after "kuwuka" to make "to read", placed after "kuki" to mean "to listen to music", etc.
kuki to sing, song toki pona "kute"
pan to give, 10 toki pona "pana", hindi "paanch" this language uses base 5
usi <yes or no question marker> toki pona "anu seme" placed sentance-finally
kisuwi kisuwi toki pona "toki suwi"
aka to come hindi "aata"
kawa to go toki pona "tawa"
sa in, to toki pona "insa"
pa place, land, location toki pona "ma"
kuwi plant english "tree"
uru to start
paki to end toki pona "pake"
ru under english "under"
rai over
wu very, many english "woo"
hu tool hindi "hoon"
ira person toki pona "jan"
kapa tip, pointy end toki pona "kapa"
suwiwi land animal toki pona "soweli"
supuwa water animal english "splash"
whuwai air animal
akipa animal english "animal"
aihu something long and flexable
rara stick english "long"
hain hand english "hand"
wiku leg english "leg"
wara head toki pona "lawa"
wiwu internet toki pona "linluwi"
aisu cold english "ice"
iwai warm
kuwupu group toki pona "kulupu"
kun long cylindrical object english "to"
pikawa bye toki pona "mi tawa"
ha yes hindi "haan"
wiru word english "word"
kapaki new, to add toki pona "namako", hindi "namak"
surin string english "string"
aikai to change, modification toki pona "ante"
sin thing english "thing"
rika life, to live hindi "rehta" can also be an adjective
suki light toki pona "suno"
siki circle, to spin, to rotate toki pona "sike" can also refer to any regular polygon with 5 or more sides
para to pay toki pona "pana"
kiwhu to gift, gift english "gift"
waru wood english "wood"
saiku to search, to hunt english "search"
puwi to play, game english "play"
iwiwi cute voice
hari to trade hindi "KHareedatee"
kaku roof hindi "chhat"
whiwhi flat surface
kipi time toki pona "tenpo" this word can be used to make time constructions, like toki pona "tenpo ni la" etc.
aki yesterday, tomorrow toki pona "ante"
aku today hindi "aaj"
risu friend hindi "dost"
awiwi best friend toki pona "ali"
kakaka enemy, to fight
kasu grass hindi "ghaas", toki pona "kasi"
whiwha clay, dirt, semisolid
piri bug english "bee"
whirun old toki pona "majuna"
wika to remove, abandoned thing toki pona "weka"
piwi flower hindi "phool"
pasin to teach toki pona "pana sona"
puri to compete hindi "pooree"
saru star english "star"
kara moon, to glow softly, 4 hindi "chaand", hindi "char"
san sun, to glow brightly english "sun"
win <permanency marker> toki pona "lon" turns "ha" into "always" and "awa" into "never"
whi if, when english "if" works like toki pona "la"
hai <regrouper> hindi "hain" like toki pona "pi"
kira wut, what hindi "kya" this is an interjection, not a question word
awin to stay toki pona "awen"
sawhi card
iku 1 hindi "ek"
rin 2 hindi "do"
uwi 3 toki pona "tuli"
haipan 11 hindi "paanch"
waipan 12 hindi "paanch"
saipan 13 hindi "paanch"
paiki 14 toki pona "pake"
rasai 20 hindi "das"
wharai 21 hindi "gyaareh"
sain letter
kisain the letter k
pisain the letter p
husain the letter h
whusain the letter wh
rasain the letter r
wasain the letter w
saisain the letter s
rahisain <1g2 letter name> hindi "naheen" (the 8th letter of the first script)
awasain the letter rmv, <2g2 letter name> toki pona "ala" (the 9th letter of the first script)
hasain <3g2 letter name> hindi "haan" (the 10th letter of the first script)
wikusain the letter n, <4g2 letter name> toki pona "lon" (the 11th letter of the first script)
huhi <125s place value seperator> place value markers are skipped if they would otherwise have 0 before them
hi <625s place value seperator> place value markers are skipped if they would otherwise have 0 before them
hasa <higher place value seperator> hindi "hazaar" place value markers are skipped if they would otherwise have 0 before them
riki triangle hindi "trikoN"
waka square hindi "vagra"
sipi oval, circle toki pona "sike" can also refer to any polygon with 5 or more sides
wawin dream, to sleep toki pona "lape lon"
sawu to wait english "stall"
ukai <group of related things>
uwha <group of similar things>
whiwika <in-between time> english "center" any time between the start and the end of an action
hawha strength, strong toki pona "wawa"
iru clothing, to wear
sai <loanword marker> english "the" placed before the loanword
kuhi to control
pawha to create toki pona "pana"
kiwin rock, anything hard toki pona "kiwen"
rasin method toki pona "nasin"
whai <ordinal marker> placed after the number
kapisi grey, brown, darkish color toki pona "kapesi"
haipisi pink, light green, brightish color toki pona "kapesi"
kahi to need hindi "chahiye"
kiwu toki pona "monekilu"

New Words

piwin to feel, emotion toki pona “pilin”
wikan but, except, only hindi “lekhan”
pika to become english “become”